santuario concesa

Worship and cultural shrines from Adda to Serio

The historic route twists and turns nearby Concesa (MI), where the Santuario della Divina Maternità is located, along the stream
A Crespi d'Adda

Crespi d'Adda

Crespi d'Adda is a valuable example of industrial archeology.    
Percorsi del romanico

Route of the Romanesque

Bare stone churches, walls painted with archaic force and vital buildings where portals, columns, capitals and statues tell of a
Castello di Marne

The Path to Villas and Castles

The Isola Bergamasca has been, and continues to be, a delightful place for many reasons. In this triangle of land
Santuario Madonna di Prada

Between churches and shrines

Isola Bergamasca seems to be tailored to embrace faith places and religious proofs. The whole area seems to be influenced by
Chiesa di Sotto il Monte

Johannine places - “Sotto il Monte”

From the central shrine of Saint John XXIII to the quieter and peripheral Caneve Sanctuary; the places where you can

Routes of Ingenuity

Along the Adda river there is no shortage of great attraction aspects that demonstrate man's ability to use his ingenuity

Routes for families

Combining science and fun The Isola Bergamasca offers places that combine fun and learning for schools and families. A visitor
Santuario Madonna di Prada Mapello

Nature: On the slopes of Mount Canto

Mount Canto is the first mountain that you come to when coming up from the Po Valley, on the east
Pontida, abbazia benedettina di S. Giacomo

A trail in the footsteps of the future Pope John

“An ancient path, between fields and forests, made ​​by Angelino Roncalli, the future Pope, used to go to school, to
Ca' Maitino Casa ricordi Papa Giovanni

A Hike from Sotto il Monte to Mount Canto

Mount Canto is the first mountain that you come to when coming up from the Po Valley. It’s largely covered



Giove e il Cielo d'Inverno

Parco Astronomico La Torre del Sole, Brembate di Sopra


Teatro comunale, Chignolo d'Isola

Sonic 3 - Il film

Cineteatro S. Fedele, Calusco d'Adda

Brunch in Circus

Hotel Settecento, Presezzo

PromoIsola – an association for the promotion of Isola Bergamasca